

Music & lyrics by Dave LeMieux (performer)
Recorded, edited, mixed, and mastered by More Than Music, Inc.

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Music & lyrics by Dave LeMieux (performer)
Recorded, edited, mixed, and mastered by More Than Music, Inc.

Music & lyrics by Dave LeMieux (performer)
Recorded, edited, mixed, and mastered by More Than Music, Inc.

One of us is shadows, one is sunshine

One’s had the bad tobacco in the bloodline

Corrupted from the gut up and the belt down

Lessened – likely destined for a meltdown


I surprised my quiet neighbors with a roundup

Arranged an angel army from the ground up

We’re either gonna tear the gates of hell down

Or fade away to vapor in the meltdown


If I’m a marionette, who’s my puppeteer?

Weren’t my status and my stature in the stratosphere?

What kind of king would think he should’ve knelt down?

The kind who’s got a mind about to melt down


Once upon a time, a giant fell down

Laid upon his blade – it was a meltdown

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